Friday, March 7, 2008

Types of Meteorology

In today's world, it seems that almost any topic is open for debate. While I was gathering facts for this article, I was quite surprised to find some of the issues I thought were settled are actually still being openly discussed.

The information about Types of Meteorology presented here will do one of two things: either it will reinforce what you know about Types of Meteorology or it will teach you something new. Both are good outcomes.

The subject of Meteorology is one of the most ancient of all Sciences. Once, confined to observation of the sky alone today Meteorology is one of the most important interdisciplinary sciences. Besides, astro Physics, Meteorology is also essentially related to Climatology and other related methods of fore casting. If we take the time scale into consideration, Types of Meteorology may be strictly divided into synoptic scale, micro scale and meso scale Meteorology.

The study of Meteorology deals with all kinds of weather changes prevailing at the atmospheric boundary. This branch is better known as Boundary Layer Meteorology.
Continuous heating, friction and cooling at the level of the atmosphere causes major climatic changes on the surface of the earth. As a major Types of Meteorology, Boundary Layer Meteorology, aims to study and predict the climatic changes occurring at the level of Peoplosphere. Beginning from predictions related to pattern of wind to severe tornadoes and hurricanes everything comes under the umbrella of Types of Meteorology. Changes on the sea, land and water are also under the purview of Boundary Layer Meteorology.

Aviation Meteorology on the other hand aims to predict weather changes in such a way as to help a smooth flow of air traffic across the world. Both commercial pilots and private ones must know Aviation Meteorology in great detail in order to read and realize the possible impacts of a any kind of weather change. Aviation Meteorology undoubtedly forms an integral part of all the major air traffic control towers of the world. Agricultural Meteorology is of immense help to all the farmers of the world. Farming techniques and precautions change heavily with these predictions. Fisher men generally avoid the sea if any of the Types of Meteorology claim a rough sea in the coming days. All atmospheric changes taking place at the atmospheric layers including the troposphere and tropopause are under the purview of Mesoscale Meteorology. Types of Meteorology are heavily dependent on data and their interpretation in a large scale. Many a weather maps and wind maps of the world take help from all the predictions of the Types of Meteorology. Many of these are seen on regular news channels. Weather information on the radio too is nothing but an interpretation of the available data and interpretation from these Types of Meteorology.

Students interested in pursuing the subject of Meteorology, must have a genuine love for the subject. Many of the leading colleges and reputed universities of the world offer fine opportunities of research and development in Meteorology once you have obtained a graduation degree in Meteorology with good marks. Accurate interpretation of the data and a close study of the possible changes in weather pattern are an integral part of this study. Types of Meteorology is also dependent on the various kinds of modern technology like satellites and remote sensing technology.

Don't limit yourself by refusing to learn the details about Types of Meteorology. The more you know, the easier it will be to focus on what's important.